Gaining Weight Safely

There are numerous reasons why someone would want to gain weight at a rate faster than what their body allowed naturally. It may be related to health concerns such as being underweight or malnourished or the desire to gain weight for aesthetic reasons, e.g. bodybuilding.
Gaining weight is also, sometimes, a requirement for improving performance in sports or other physical activities. Whatever the reason may be, it’s important to stay away from gain-weight-fast schemes and follow a safe and healthy way. And always consult with a professional rather than following tips that may turn out risky, or even fatal in some instances.

This article will cover some proven and safe ways to gain weight; and enlighten you with the potential dangers associated with unsafe methods.

Why Gain Weight?

Gaining weight makes the most sense for people who are underweight as that condition can lead to multiple health issues including general weakness, low blood sugar, weakened overall immune system and fertility problems. However, there are bad and good ways to approach it:

Scary Side Effects of Unsafe Ways of Gaining Weight

Unfortunately, many people tend to turn to “quick” methods that are unsafe. What they do not foresee are the long-term effects, diseases and irreparable damage. Let’s look at the very common dangers:

Gaining weight with Junk Food

Junk food, intentionally or not, is the most common way to gain weight fast. While this may be an effective method for gaining weight quickly, it is highly unhealthy. Junk food is often high in sugar, sodium, and unhealthy fats and increased consumption can lead to obesity, type-II diabetes and heart diseases. Unfortunately, junk food-induced obesity is one major reason for childhood obesity in America.

Steroids for stimulating weight/muscle gain

Steroids are a common choice for people looking to gain weight fast; and they are widely available in the gym. They are popular among athletes (though illegal in certain cases) and bodybuilders. While steroids are very effective, they typically have the worst side effects. Even a large variety of commonly used steroids increase weight as a side effect. Whether intentional or not, long-term use of steroids use can severe issues like high blood pressure, kidney failure, strokes and even cancer. Steroids for muscle growth have been linked to a number of heart strokes across the world in recent years.

Overeating for Weight Gain

Overeating has a simple logic to cause weight gain. You take in more calories than you burn per day, resulting in deposit and weight gain. This is a common mistake people make when trying to gain weight. Consuming excess calories as well as excess consumption of Sodium and Fat due to frequent snacking can lead to obesity, type-II diabetes and heart ailments. Overeating, especially nutrient-poor meals or snacks, can cause bloating and digestive concerns.

Safe Ways to Gain Weight

Now that we’ve discussed the dangers of unsafe ways to gain weight, you may ask what some safe and healthy alternatives are.

Nutritious Foods

Reducing junk food and replenishing that with nutritious foods can do the job, of course in a slower pace. Foods rich in protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates aid in building muscle mass and maintaining a healthy body. Some examples can be varieties of fish, lean meat, nuts, fruits and vegetables.

Weight Lifting and heavy exercising

Lifting weights and weight-gain exercises such as Pushups, Pullups, Squats, Lunges, Bench press, Overhead press are excellent ways to gain weight safely. These help build muscle mass and not just fat. Gym workouts with good nutrition can hasten the muscle gain process.

Eat Frequently and Enjoy your Meals

Eat smaller meals frequently throughout the day. Eating five to six small meals at regular intervals though the day can help to boost your metabolism and help the body absorb nutrients more efficiently. Squeeze in a small nutritious treat or protein bar whenever you can.

Sleep Quality

Quality sleep is pivotal for various body functions and for overall health and weight gain. Sleeping for at least seven hours a day is required for the body to recover and add muscle mass. Sleep requirements vary with age, body type and lifestyle. However, lack of quality sleep can hamper your weight goals – be it to lose weight or to gain.

When to consult a professional

Consider consulting a nutritionist or a doctor if the weight gain methods are doing little and you want to explore other options. They may put you on supplements after assessing your current health and progress with previous methods. We can’t stress enough that do not take supplements without a professional’s advice.

Closing Thoughts

Gaining weight can be a priority. However, it must be done in a safe and healthy way. It’s wise to avoid the quick fixes and opt for a gradual process where the results can be long-lasting.

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