Does Kyleena IUD Cause Weight Gain?

When women contemplate birth control, one of their initial concerns is, “Will I gain weight?” Traditional birth control methods, like pills, come with various side effects. But what about newer options like intrauterine devices (IUDs)? The short answer is – yes, IUDs can also lead to weight gain as a side effect. Weight gain is not the sole side effect; there are others as well. To understand how weight gain occurs, let’s first know IUDs and their mechanisms.

What Is an IUD?

An IUD is a T-shaped device inserted through the vagina, traversing the cervix and settling in the uterus. It serves as a protective barrier between the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Two types of IUDs exist: copper IUDs and hormonal IUDs.

Copper IUD: These IUDs are fashioned from copper and establish an inhospitable environment for sperm, diminishing their ability to fertilize an egg. They are also known as non-hormonal IUDs.

Copper IUDs can produce several side effects, including backaches, cramps, anaemia, painful intercourse, bleeding between periods, heightened menstrual discomfort, vaginitis, and vaginal discharge. Worth noting, however, that weight gain is not among the side effects of copper IUDs.

Hormonal IUD: Hormonal IUDs, like copper IUDs, create an unfavourable environment for sperm. They thicken cervical mucus, impeding sperm from reaching the egg for fertilization, and additionally, they hinder ovulation to prevent pregnancy. Kyleena’s IUD falls into the category of hormonal IUDs.

Hormonal IUDs also come with several side effects, including weight gain, alterations in menstrual bleeding, missed periods, depression, headaches, migraines, and acne.

How Do IUDs Work?

As previously mentioned, IUDs are inserted into a woman’s uterus to modify its lining and avert fertilization. The device’s implantation guarantees pregnancy avoidance. The insertion of an IUD induces an inflammatory reaction, creating an environment hostile to sperm survival. An IUD can remain in the body for a period ranging from 3 to 12 years, making it one of the most dependable contraception options available today.

Kyleena IUD and Weight Gain

In 2020, a study compared weight gain between Kyleena IUD and Copper IUD in a group of women. The results revealed that women with hormonal IUDs gained an average of 0.72 kilograms (approximately 1.59 pounds).

Kyleena IUD contains a hormone called progestin, which boosts plasma volume by inducing protein retention in the vascular space and expanding extracellular fluid. This fluid retention can lead to weight gain.

Numerous other side effects are associated with Kyleena IUD, including weight gain, vulvovaginitis (irritation of the vulva and vaginal area), uterine spasms, ovarian cysts, acne, abdominal pain, nausea, headaches, pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea (menstrual pain), breast discomfort, increased bleeding, device expulsion, seborrhea (excessive sebum discharge), alopecia, depression, migraines, and upper genital tract infections.

Rarely, certain adverse events affect less than 1 percent of users, such as pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine perforation, ectopic pregnancy, and spontaneous abortion.

What to Do If You’ve Been Affected by Kyleena IUD Weight Gain

If you suspect that Kyleena IUD is causing your weight gain, it should raise concern. When experiencing any form of weight gain, it’s advisable to review your diet, stress levels, metabolism, and physical activity. This evaluation may provide insight into why your weight is increasing. Be vigilant about weight changes. In cases of minor weight gain, there’s no need to panic. However, if you observe significant fluctuations, consult your doctor to explore available options. Bodies vary, and due to hormonal sensitivity, IUD removal might be the right course of action. Keep in mind that the side effects could jeopardize your well-being, so base your decisions on your body’s needs and what suits it best.

What Type of Birth Control Is Not Associated with Weight Gain?

Non-hormonal birth control methods are not linked to weight gain. According to renowned physician Dr. Millheiser, non-hormonal copper IUDs like Paragard represent a preferable IUD option for those seeking to avoid weight gain as a side effect. If you decide against this option, alternatives like condoms might be suitable.

However, it’s important to note that hormonal IUDs offer benefits beyond pregnancy prevention. They can be beneficial for individuals with endometriosis. Therefore, consulting with your doctor and selecting the method that aligns with your body’s needs is advisable.

Other Cons of Kyleena IUD Apart from Weight Gain

We’ve already discussed the impact of Kyleena IUD on weight gain, but several other issues deserve attention.

  • According to a study, 1 in 4 women using Kyleena IUD reported experiencing vaginitis during trials, manifesting in symptoms like unpleasant odour, vaginal itching, and abnormal discharge.
  • Ovarian cysts are another common issue, causing pelvic and lower abdominal pain. Typically, these cysts resolve within three months, but in cases of significant enlargement, surgical intervention may be necessary.
  • Painful periods can also be experienced due to cramping resulting from Kyleena IUD insertion, with effects potentially lasting up to the initial six months after insertion.
  • Bleeding changes can occur in the first six months, leading to either heavier or lighter periods.
  • Almost 1 in 5 women may develop amenorrhea, the absence of periods, around the fifth year of insertion. This can potentially hinder future pregnancy attempts.
  • Lower abdominal pain is another commonly reported issue associated with Kyleena IUD.


Regardless of the type of IUD insertion chosen, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons. Both hormonal and non-hormonal IUDs have their share of side effects. Kyleena IUD, categorized as a hormonal IUD, can lead to weight gain, among other side effects. It’s important to consider the full spectrum of side effects and consult with your doctor before making any decisions.

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